Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Principle of Blooming When You're Falling

In my office, sometimes things of beauty pop out and teach me powerful lessons of life principles, while I am buried in mundane tasks. They cause me to step back, reflect and marvel.

Take time to step back, reflect, and marvel.

My orchid that my dear husband gave me my first day of work on Valentine's Day of this year, is blooming again. But it's strange. The shoot of blooms is leaning way off to the side, falling over, instead of shooting upward. I found this to be a profound thing, and an analogy that in life, we can bloom and create beauty, even when it looks as though we are falling.

I took the shoot of blooms and clipped it to a support stick that comes with the plant and noticed how flexible the shoot became and how the next day it was more upright. We can be like the sticks that cause others who are falling to stand up straighter and let their beauty be more visible for others to see and enjoy.

Who are you a support stick for? Who do you see beauty and passion and talent in, but who is cowering for some reason instead of standing up straight allowing their beauty to be seen and enjoyed? The support can take various forms: verbal encouragement, backing up a person's idea, a friendly smile, or offering physical help.

I have people in my life like that. My supporters. I have learned, however that when I feel like I'm falling, I need to ask "What am I good at again? Why am I special?" and the support is right there for me, pushing me back upward. I know many people don't ask for the help they need in these situations, so my challenge to myself as well as all of you, is: who do you know that is falling? What can you do to support them and push them upward? It might happen faster than you think. 

Oh that I would be a support stick for all the orchids in my life!

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